Archos 43 IT UART pads

you know the drill… (see previous posts on this topic!)

A43 UART, picture courtesy AV500

A43 UART, picture courtesy AV500

Again thanks to AV500 for the picture!

Tags: , , serial, UART

6 Responses to “Archos 43 IT UART pads”

  1. svolatch says:

    >You can have a (root-)shell on it, you can have console output on it from the Linux kernel.

    Have anybody experience in it?

  2. svolatch says:

    And what it does? What can I do with it?

    • tbr says:

      If you have to ask you probably don’t need it.

      • svolatch says:

        Need! Very need it! But how? :)
        Can I connect to my A43 any peripheral devices through Rx Tx (if I have a root)?
        Or do something with original firmware?

        Please tell me about all!

        • tbr says:

          Just in case you didn’t follow the links:
          Please read this:
          That should answer most hardware related questions.
          As to the software side: It’s a UART, a serial port, you may use it as you please. You can have a (root-)shell on it, you can have console output on it from the Linux kernel.

          • svolatch says:

            О_О Awesome!!!! I need it like air.

            Great thanks!